Robin van Rijthoven

100 Chapter 4 Appendixes Appendix A. Classification of Errors in Phonological, Morphological and Orthographic Errors and corresponding Error Descriptions. Phonological Errors Type of Error Explanation, Examples and total Error Calculation Phoneme addition The addition of one or more graphemes per place (e.g., zons [sun] instead of zon [sun]) Phoneme deletion The deletion of a grapheme (e.g., zo [so] instead of zon [sun]). Long vowel in closed syllable swap A long vowel in a closed syllable is written as a short vowel (e.g., ram [ram] instead of raam [window]) or as another long vowel (e.g., room [cream] instead of ‘raam’ [window]). Long vowel in open syllable swap A long vowel in an open syllable is swapped for the wrong vowel (e.g., ro-men [skimming] instead of ramen [windows]). Short vowel swap A short vowel is swapped for the wrong vowel (e.g., rum [rum] instead of ram [ram]). Two-character vowels swap A two-character vowel (e.g., ie) is swapped for the wrong two-character vowel, (e.g., ‘puis’ [no Dutch meaning] instead of poes [cat]) or written incorrectly (e.g., ‘peos’ [no Dutch meaning] instead of poes [cat]). Consonant swap A consonant is swapped for the wrong consonant (e.g., poek [no Dutch meaning] instead of ‘poes’ [cat]). Morphological Errors Type of Error Explanation, Examples and total Error calculation end d/t When words end with a /t/ it can be written with ‘t’ or ‘d’ on the end of the word (e.g., hond [dog], boot [ship]). By making a word plural it is possible to hear a ‘t’ or a ‘d’ (e.g., honden [dogs], boten [ships]). Whatever consonant is heard in the plural formmust be written in the singular word as well. Errors: write a ‘t’ instead of a ‘d’ or viceversa (e.g., hont instead of hond). open syllables long vowel When a syllable ends with a long vowel this is written short (raa-men must be written as ra-men [windows]) Errors: write a long vowel (e.g., boomen instead of bomen [trees]). gt/cht Words with /gt/, which can be written as ‘gt’ or ‘cht’ (e.g., zaagt [sweeps], lucht [air]). Whenever a short sound vowel is placed before /gt/, then a ‘cht’ needs to be written (lucht). There are three exceptions: ligt (lays down), legt (put), zegt (says). Errors: write a ‘gt’ instead of ‘cht’ (e.g., vrugt instead of vrucht) or viceversa (veecht instead of veegt) or make mistakes in exception words. (e.g., zecht instead of zegt).