Esmée Tensen

130 CHAPTER 7 Figure 7.1: Teledermatology, teledermoscopy, and digital dermatology home consultation process. GP: general practitioner; TD: teledermatologist. Ethical considerations The Medical Ethical Commission of the Amsterdam University Medical Center granted a waiver stating that the study did not require additional approval. Participants Ksyos invited all affiliated GPs (approximately 3257 GPs) to complete the questionnaire. These GPs were able to perform a store-and-forward digital dermatology consultation and had started a digital consultation request (not necessarily dermatology) between October 2019 and September 2021, and their email addresses were known. Owing to outdated email addresses or accounts, we were unable to determine the exact number of invited GPs. Procedure The questionnaire invitation email included a personalized URL link to an anonymous web-based questionnaire tool called LimeSurvey. The URL link was deactivated when the questionnaire was completed, to prevent multiple participation. It was impossible to link this URL to the provided responses. Owing to technical issues in the email tool, it was impossible to send multiple invitation emails to GPs registered with the same general GP practice email address. If this was the case, the email tool chose only 1 recipient.