Esmée Tensen

Chapter 1 General introduction 7
Chapter 2 Two decades of teledermatology: current status and integration in national healthcare systems 29
Chapter 3 Eleven years of teledermoscopy in the Netherlands: a retrospective quality and performance analysis of 18,738 consultations 49
Chapter 4 The value of teledermoscopy to the expertise of general practitioners diagnosing skin disorders based on ICD-10 coding 69
Chapter 5 To refer or not to refer in teledermoscopy: retrospective study 83
Chapter 6 The Store-and-Froward Telemedicine Service User-satisfaction Questionnaire: development and validation of a questionnaire to monitor and assess health care providers' experiences 101
Chapter 7 General practitioners’ perspectives about remote dermatology care during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands: questionnaire based study 125
Chapter 8 General discussion 179
Summary 204
Nederlandse samenvatting 212
Curriculum vitae 221
Portfolio 222
List of publications 226
Authors’ contributions 228
Dankwoord (Acknowledgments) 230