Martine De Herdt

51 MET immunoreactivity and poor prognosis Figure 1: D1C2 and CVD13 immunoreactivity in respect to MET mRNA expression levels across the antibody validation cell line panel. A. qRT-PCR results showing average MET fluorescence standardized to average HPRT1 fluorescence and accompanying standard deviations (n = 3), which are derived from biological duplicates of all cell lines included in the antibody validation panel. B. immunoreactivities observed with western blotting. For further information concerning the MET specific protein bands, the reader is referred to Supplementary table S4. C. membranous (M), cytoplasmic (C) and nuclear (N) immunocytochemical reactivity. D. membranous (M), cytoplasmic (C) and nuclear (N) immunohistochemical reactivity. E. legend for observed mRNA expression levels, western blot immunoreactivities and immunocyto- & immunohistochemical reactivities. 3