Robin van Rijthoven

125 Compensatory role of verbal learning and consolidation in reading and spelling 5 Table 5.4 The Role of Verbal Consolidation (e.g., trial 6) in Predicting Percentile Scores of Word Decoding, Pseudoword Decoding, and Spelling Pretest in Children with Dyslexia and Typically Developing Children, Controlled for Trial 5 (e.g., Intercept); and Cohen’s f2. Word decoding pretest Pseudoword decoding pretest Spelling pretest ∆R2 f2 b ∆R2 f2 b ∆R2 f2 b Step 1 .453*** 0.828 .519*** 1.079 .554*** 1.242 Group -.673*** -0.720*** -0.744*** Step 2 .022 0.042 .019 0.041 .005 0.009 Group -.611*** -0.662*** -0.718*** Intercept (Trial 5) -.171 -0.161 -0.093 Verbal consolidation (Trial 6) .020 0.019 0.082 Step 3 .018 0.036 .012 0.027 .008 0.018 Group -1.193*** -1.141*** -0.893** Intercept (Trial 5) -.284 -0.245 -0.241 Verbal consolidation (Trial 6) -.008 -0.016 0.210 Group x Intercept (Trial 5) .552 0.423 0.575 Group x Verbal Consolidation (Trial 6) .106 0.118 -0.364 Total R2 adj .463 .524 .540 *p< .05. **p< .01 ***p< .001