Hanna de Jong-Markus

Citation Information 9
1.General Introduction 11
2.Methods 33
3.Religious Tolerance as Educational Goal in Orthodox Protestant Schools: Exploring the Concept and Tensions Teachers Potentially Experience 49
4.How Cohesion Matters: Teachers and Their Choice to Work at an Orthodox Protestant School 65
5.Stimulating Inquisitiveness: Teachers at Orthodox Protestant Schools about their Roles in Religious Socialization 85
6.Distinction, Identification, and Recognition: Teachers in Orthodox Protestant Schools on their Faith and Religious Others 101
7.Beyond Right-or-Wrong Thinking: Alumni and Teacher Educators about Religious Diversity in Orthodox Protestant Teacher Education 119
8.General Conclusion and Discussion 137
Summary 155
Samenvatting 181
References 211
Curriculum Vitae 233
Appendices 237