Hanna de Jong-Markus

Stimulating Inquisitiveness 5 91 neighborhood (Patton, 2002). Based on these criteria, we identified 166 OPPSs within a range of 50 kilometers from Utrecht,46 which covers 2.5% of all Dutch primary school locations. Next, we randomly selected a school for each combination of characteristics. We traced participants by sending an e-mail and making a follow-up call to the schools. If there was no teacher willing to participate, we contacted another randomly selected school with the same combination of characteristics. Eventually, we approached 39 schools, and the teachers from fifteen schools47 got involved (38.5% positive response). The first author interviewed every participant twice at his/her own school.48 The interviewer was familiar with the participants’ religious backgrounds, which was helpful in getting their trust and in recognizing their religious language. Because the interviewer was not used to OPPSs herself, she was able to have a critical stance. Also, the members of our research group had diverse backgrounds, in order to prevent biases. The ethical guidelines of scientific research at Dutch universities (VSNU, 2005, 2012) and guidelines for data management (DANS, 2015) were followed. Materials To conduct the semi-structured interviews, we used an interview guide, which was composed on the basis of an earlier theoretical study (Markus et al., 2021a). The interview format was applied in three pilot interviews and discussed in detail within the research group. All the interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. The interviews took 128 to 228 minutes per person, with an average of 173 minutes. 5.4 Data Analysis Our analysis was shaped by the general framework for descriptive/interpretive qualitative research of Elliott & Timulak (2005). After our initial reading and editing, we marked the meaningful data units and organized these into different domains on the basis of the units’ objects. Our research question enabled us to examine three of these domains, namely, Professional ideals, Teacher (focused on Role perceptions), and Inquisitiveness. The first two domains were deductively realized since these topics were explicit parts of the interview guide; the third domain was inductively formed (Miles et al., 2014). 46 This central region in the Netherlands was chosen for practical reasons and is believed to offer a maximum variation, since this area consists of both rural and urban parts, inside and outside the Biblebelt. 47 At one school, two teachers of the same grade wanted to be interviewed together. 48 Two interviews were held at the researcher’s office, and, in one case, the two interviews were combined at one moment for practical reasons.