Hanna de Jong-Markus

Contents Citation Information 9 1.General Introduction 11 1.1 Problem Statement 12 1.2 Increased Diversity and Social Cohesion 13 1.3 Citizenship Education in Dutch Schools 17 1.4 Religious Diversity and Strong Religious Schools 19 1.5 Teaching Profession and Teacher Education 25 1.6 Research Question and Research Aims 28 1.7 Outline and Responsibilities 29 2.Methods 33 2.1 Research Design 34 2.2 Participants 35 2.3 Data Collection and Research Instruments 40 2.4 Data Analysis 43 2.5 Validity, Reliability and Integrity 46 3.Religious Tolerance as Educational Goal in Orthodox Protestant Schools: Exploring the Concept and Tensions Teachers Potentially Experience 49 Abstract 50 3.1 Introduction 51 3.2 Legislation and Potential Tensions in OPPSs 52 3.3 Religious Tolerance as an Educational Goal in OPPSs 54 3.4 OPPSs: Teachers’ Beliefs, Professional Ideals and Religious Tolerance 57 3.5 Conclusion 61 4.How Cohesion Matters: Teachers and Their Choice to Work at an Orthodox Protestant School 65 Abstract 66 4.1 Introduction 67 4.2 Orthodox Protestant Schools in the Netherlands and Freedom of School Choice 68 4.3 Parents’ Motives for Choosing an Orthodox Protestant School 69