40 Chapter 2 TABLE 2 Means, SDs, AVEs, correlations and Cronbach’s alphas (between brackets on the diagonal) of the general-level variables in Study 3 (N = 813) M (SD) AVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1. PVM 5.45 (.67) .51 (.86) Convergent validity 2. Proactive personality 3.65 (.49) .42 .36** (.73) 3. Self-insight 4.61 (.72) .44 .33** .16** (.81) 4. JC: social resources 2.72 (.83) .58 .21** .24** -.10* (.82) 5. JC: structural resources 3.62 (.60) .49 .47** .43** .12* .43** (.72) 6. JC: challenging demands 3.04 (.78) .51 .34** .47** -.00 .45** .66** (.76) 7. Relaxation 3.99 (.60) .67 .18** -.01 .13** .09* .04 -.03 (.84) Discriminant validity 8. JC: hindering demands 2.09 (.67) .47 -.06 .02 -.33** .30** .07 .16** .07* (.77) 9. Psychological detachment 3.15 (.92) .75 .03 -.12* .08* -.05 -.14** -.18** .43** .08* (.89) Criterion validity 10. Work engagement 4.71 (.99) .64 .62** .37** .20** .24** .54** .49** .02 -.07 -.20** (.93) 11. Cognitive liveliness 4.89 (.96) .68 .48** .48** .25** .22** .52** .52** .12* -.07 -.05 .60** (.76) 12. Exhaustion 2.11 (.42) .43 -.43** -.14** -.37** .00 -.19** -.11* -.24** .22** -.18** -.41** -.37** (.80) 13. In-role work performance 4.19 (.44) .57 .30** .27** .26** .13** .29** .24** .09* -.20** .02 .36** .36** -.30** (.80) 14. Creative work performance 3.67 (.58) .61 .37** .47** .13** .24** .47** .56** -.05 -.03 -.16** .51** .65** -.19** .29** (.89) Note. PVM = proactive vitality management and JC = job crafting. * p < .05. ** p < .001.