
List of abbreviations 6
Introduction 9
Chapter one General introduction 11
Thesis aim and outline 21
Cartilage properties 25
Chapter two Mechanical and biochemical mapping of human auricular cartilage for reliable assessment of tissue-engineered constructs 27
Chapter three Structural and mechanical comparison of human ear, alar and septal cartilage 43
Cell sources 57
Chapter four The in vitro and in vivo capacity of culture-expanded human cells from several sources encapsulated in alginate to form cartilage 59
Chapter five The trophic effect of adipose-tissue-derived and bone-marrowderived mesenchymal stem cells on chondrocytes in co-culture 83
Chapter six Cartilage regeneration in the head and neck area: Combination of ear or nasal chondrocytes and mesenchymal stem cells improves cartilage production 107
Scaffolds 127
Chapter seven Preparation and characterization of a decellularized cartilage scaffold for ear cartilage reconstruction 129
Chapter eight Novel bilayer bacterial nanocellulose scaffold supports neocartilage formation in vitro and in vivo 147
Discussion and summary 173
Chapter nine Discussion and future perspectives for clinical application. 175
Chapter ten Summary 191
Chapter eleven Nederlandse samenvatting 197
References 203
Appendices 221
PhD portfolio 222
Publications 225
Dankwoord 227
Curriculum vitae 231