Géraud Dautzenberg

Validating the MoCA for screening 3 69 factors for cognitive dysfunction. Exclusion criteria were: acquired brain injury including CVA or TIA, substance abuse, recent delirium, recent treatment for psychiatric or neurologic diseases, and use of medication that can alter cognitive functioning. From potential HC showing signs of cognitive impairment during the interview or with a MoCA score below 25, consent was obtained to interview the next of kin (n=11), who were assessed with the Modified Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCode) (De Jonghe, 1997). No potential HC had an IQCode higher than 3.5, which would indicate potential moderate cognitive impairment (De Jonghe, 1997) and would be an exclusion criterion. The Committee for Research and Ethics of the institution approved this study (CWO-nr 1606). All participants gave their informed consent. Data available on request due to privacy/ethical restrictions. 3.2.2 Measurements Initial assessment was performed by an old age psychiatrist, including a medical history obtained from the next of kin and relevant laboratory tests for cognitive impairment. During the diagnostic procedure the 15-item Geriatric depression Scale (GDS15) (Yesavage and Sheikh, 1986) and the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) (American Psychiatric Association, 2000) were collected. Investigation of Instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) was done by a psychiatric nurse practitioner on a home visit. When this initial assessment raised any suspicion of cognitive impairment, further assessment took place with a neuropsychological assessment (n=289) and, when applicable, CT/MRI imaging and Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis. The neuropsychological assessment, done by a neuropsychologist not aware of the MoCA score, was an extensive and comprehensive assessment includingmultiple tests in the domains ofmemory, attention, executive function, fluid intelligence and language capacities: (Full test: Dutch reading test for adults to estimate premorbid intelligence (“Nederlandse Leestest voor Volwassenen” NLV). Proverbs. Zung 12; Self-rating Depression scale (ZDS). Raven Coloured Progressive Matrices. Questionnaire for orientation and personal and non-personal episodic memories “Toutenburger Vragenlijst”. Visual Association Test (VAT). 15 words imprinting and recall or recognition. Copying of Drawings; Meander of Luria, Complex figure of Rey, House, Cube, Greek cross. D-KEFS | Trail Making Test A and B (TMT). Hooper Visual Organization test (VOT-short version). Calculation, spelling and reading. Binet- Bobertag story. Fluency- test category (and letter). Groninger Intelligence test (GIT). Clock reading and writing. Subtest: Wechsler Adult intelligence scale; WAIS IV (Symbol substitution, Numerical series/ Digit Span, Agreements/ Similarities, Figures; Figure Weights). Wechsler Memory scale IV; WMS IV (numerical series). Behavioral Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome (BADS; Key search test and Zoo-plan test).