Géraud Dautzenberg

Need assessment 2 53 Table 2. Ratings of Need In Individual CANE Areas and Total Number of Needs, According to Patient and Staff Domains Needs Patient: Met Needs, N (%) Staff: Met Need, N (%) Patient: Unmet Need, N (%) Staff: Unmet Need, N (%) Agreement (%) Kappa Enviromental Accommodation 11 (14) 14(18) 2(2.6) 1(1.3) 88.4 0.617 Household skills 30 (38) 26(33) 1(1.3) 1(1.3) 85.9 0.705 Food 15(19) 14(18) 2(2.6) 3(3.8) 96.1 0.891 Money 8(10) 8(10) 3(3.8) 2(2.6) 92.3 0.679 Benefits 8(10) 5(6.4) 3(3.8) 1(1.3) 91.0 0.551 Caring for others 4(5.1) 5(6.4) 3(3.8) 2(2.6) 92.4 0.540 Total Enviromental 76 72 14 10 0.664 Physical Physical health 27 (35) 30(38) 5(6.4) 4(5.1) 65.6 0.541 Medication 25(32) 30(38) 1(1.3) 1(1.3) 62.9 0.217 Eyesight/hearing 16(20) 8(10) 5(6.4) 2(2.6) 80.8 0.435 Mobility 15(19) 15(19) 0(0.0) 1(1.3) 92.3 0.760 Self-care 8 (10) 11(14) 0 (0.0) 1 (1.3) 92.3 0.660 Continence 12(15) 6(7.7) 1(1.3) 0(0) 88.5 0.473 Total physical 103 100 12 9 0.514 Psychological Psychological distress 20(25) 23(29) 4(5.1) 0 (0) 73.1 0.383 Memory 11(14) 17(22) 3(3.8) 0 (0) 79.5 0.374 Behavior 4(5.1) 4(5.1) 0(0) 3(3.8) 88.5 0.138¹ Alcohol 6(7.7) 12(15) 3(3.8) 3(3.8) 87.2 0.529 Deliberate self-harm 2(2.6) 3(3.8) 1(1.3) 0(0) 94.9 0.311 Accidental self-harm 5(6.4) 3(3.8) 1(1.3) 1(1.3) 91.0 0.262 Psychotic symptoms 6(7.7) 11(14) 3(3.8) 0(0) 82.0 0.217 Total psychological 54 73 15 7 0.316 Social Company 8(10) 19(24) 10(13) 4(5.1) 62.8 0.127¹ Intimate relationships 1(1.3) 10(13) 3(3.8) 3(3.8) 82.1 0.130 Daytime activities 13 (17) 19(24) 5(6.4) 5(6.4) 75.9 0.454 Information 15(19) 12(15) 3(3.8) 0(0) 78.2 0.318 Abuse/neglect 3(3.8) 3(3.8) 1(1,3) 0(0) 94.9 0.406 Total social 40 63 22 12 0.287 Total Mean (SD) 3.50 (2.81) 3.95 (3.18) 0.81 (1.23) 0.49 (0.91) 84.1 0.45 (0.21) Range 0-14 0-12 0-6 0-4 0.130.90 Note: N =78 In italic are domain results Κappa values between 0-0.20 indicate poor agreement, 0.21-0.40 fair, 0.41-0.60 moderate, 0.61-0.80 good, and 0.81-1.00 very good agreement ¹ p= > 0.05, meaning kappa is not significant different from 0