Nine de Planque

39 Using a new technique of ASL | Trigonocephaly Figure 2. Visualization of the Tanimoto coefficient of the four registration types in patients and controls. The dots represent the original data, while the boxplots show the 25, 50, and 75% quantiles. The whiskers reach to a maximum of 1.5 times the IQR. Qualitative Comparison of Normalization Strategies The T1w image, the ASL image, the four normalizations, and the pseudo-image of three trigonocephaly subjects are shown in Figure 3. As depicted in Table 2, the MRI of a patient with trigonocephaly received higher ratings compared with the MRIs of controls (OR 2.61 CI 0.70–9.95). RegASLrigid has lower odds of receiving a higher rating (OR 0.33 CI 0.14–0.77). The odds of having a higher rating are 2.61 times as large for regASLaffine (CI 1.11–6.25) and 17.51 times as large as for regASLdct (CI 6.66–49.38) compared with the odds of the regT1. 2