Hylke Salverda

93 5 Comparing statistics from one-per-minute and one-per-second data data recording was 375 hours, 24 minutes and 46 seconds [157:59:33 – 762:23:11] for the one-per-second data, and 367 hours, 58 minutes and 30 seconds [155:11:45 - 757:12:00] for the one-per-minute data. Figure 1. An example of a data recording displaying the effect of taking one sample every sixty seconds from a 1-per-second data recording. SpO2, oxygen saturation measured by pulse-oximetry; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen. In the one-per-second data, the mean SpO2 was 94.96 (1.88) vs. 94.96 (1.87) in the one-per-minute data (Table 1) and the standard deviation of SpO2 was 3.14 (0.92) vs. 3.15 (0.91) respectively. SpO2 was found to be within the target range in 70.96 [57.16 - 91.50] % of the time in the one-per-second data, and in 71.06 [57.00 - 91.53] % of the time in one-per-minute data. Hypoxic values under 80% were found in 0.36 [0.09 - 0.85] % of SpO2 values in the one-per-second dataset vs. 0.35 [0.10 - 0.85] % of SpO2 values for the one-per-minute dataset. Missing values were also similar (2.06 [1.59 - 2.91] % vs. 2.06 [1.52 - 2.87] %). Bland-Altman plots can be found in the supplemental figures S1-S6 at the end of this chapter.