Fokke Wouda

44 PART ONE: INTRODUCTION First of all, although Francis eventually addresses Mrs. de Bernardinis’ personal situation, he clearly positions it in the wider context of ecumenical relations: he even includes himself. The “profound journey” of mixed couples is thus really incorporated into the wider ecumenical process. The pastoral situation of these couples, then, should not be isolated from the rest of the church or its ecumenical commitment. I suggest that Mit Christus gehen should be considered in this light. Even though the bishops focus primarily on the pastoral dimension of the question, the situation of mixed marriages cannot be isolated from the larger ecumenical process. In many regards, interdenominational couples are, or have to potential to be, among the forerunners along the ecumenical way. The German bishops eventually acknowledge this when they write: When confession-uniting couples, based on a personal moral judgement, partake of the Eucharist together, it reminds us that further growth in unity is necessary, both in the concrete situation of this marriage as well as between divided Churches. Thus, the confession-uniting couples, who partake in Communion together and who do not yield the longing for the unity of the Church, also become a sign of and a driving force for the ecumenical effort in the quest for full unity between all Christians.109 When he insists that we walk together, Pope Francis embraces the postconciliar view on ecumenism. No longer are others expected to “walk with us,” that is, to return to the ranks of Roman Catholicism. Pope John Paul II says: 109 Deutsche Bischofskonferenz, “Mit Christus gehen,” sec. 57. Original text in German: “Wenn konfessionsverbindende Eheleute aufgrund einer persönlichen Gewissensentscheidung gemeinsam an der Eucharistie teilnehmen, erinnert dies daran, dass ein weiteres Wachsen in der Einheit nötig ist, sowohl in der konkreten Situation dieser Ehe als auch zwischen den getrennten Kirchen. So werden die konfessionsverbindende Ehepaare, die gemeinsam an der Kommunion teilnehmen und die Sehnsucht nach der Einheit der Kirche nicht aufgeben, auch zum Zeichen und Motor für das ökumenische Vorankommen in der Suche nach der vollen Einheit aller Christen” (translation: FW). Still, Mit Christus gehen considers this merely as a consequence of the practice, not as an intention. The bishops confirm that the Eucharist should not be instrumentalized for the promotion of Christian unity (cf. sec. 3). Secondly, in my opinion, this does not imply that these couples should feel obliged to take more responsibility for Christian unity than any other faithful (which, of course, they may voluntarily): their faithfulness to both faith communities and their unity in the sacraments of Baptism and holy matrimony (and now, in some cases, in Eucharistic communion) already unites confessions in a profoundly existential way (hence the German konfessionsverbindende Ehe).