Dana Yumani

78 Chapter 4 Figure 3. Weight SD score in extremely and very preterm infants. IGF-1 Levels and Route of Administration On the fourteenth day of life, 80% of infants received full enteral feeding. Figure 4 displays the ratio between parenteral and enteral intake in the first two weeks of life. At two weeks postnatal age, 73 out of 87 infants were fed more than 90% own mother’s milk, 10 were fed donor human milk, and 4 were formula-fed. From the second week of life, mean nutrient intake was within the references of our local protocol (Figure 5). The percentage of parenteral intake from the eighth through to the twelfth day of life, expressed as parental energy intake total energy intake , was associated with lower IGF-1 levels at two weeks postnatal age. Gestational age, weight, BPD, and hemodynamically significant PDA were confounders in the relationship between parenteral intake and IGF-1 levels. Based on the F-change, the best predictive model included weight, BPD, and hemodynamically significant PDA. After correcting for these confounders, the association between the percentage of parenteral nutrition and IGF-1 levels remained significant (Table 4).