Stefan Elbers

246 Grants, publications, presentations Selection of lectures, workshops and presentations 2021 Presentation: ‘Longitudinal outcome evaluations of interdisciplinary multimodal pain treatment programs: results of a living systematic review’ at the Scherzkongress 2021 in Mannheim. Workshop Chair: Self-management and chronic pain’ of the EFIC Virtual Education Summit 2021. Podcast appearance: at Smartbeat podcast episode 5: ‘Lifestyle and applied behavioural science’. Podcast appearance: at Physio Global podcast episode 1: ‘Successful behaviour change in patients: reality or fiction’. Podcast appearance: at Trajectum podcast episode: ‘Why walking and running can be equally beneficial for your health’. 2020 Presentation: ‘Goal-setting in chronic pain treatment’, at the EFIC virtual Pain Summit. Presentation: ‘Interdisciplinary chronic pain treatment: time for a Paradigm Shift?, at the VU Musculoskeletal Science Group symposium. Workshop: ‘Into the Unknown: New perspectives on training, pain and physical activity, at the Fyveau conference 2019 Guest lecture: ‘Clinical reasoning in the context of relapse prevention and behavior change’, in the module chronic musculoskeletal pain for the Physician specialist education program in rehabilitation medicine. Presentation: ‘Theory and application of the persuasive by design model within physiotherapy’, at the ‘physical activity for children with a disability’ symposium at the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. Presentation: ‘Beyond motivation: an extended perspective on behavior regulation in the context of physical exercise programs’, at the national physical education teachers conference ‘Move to the next level’. Poster presentation: ‘Preventing Relapse after Successful Rehabilitation: A Feasibility Study of Two Prototype Interventions’ at the EFIC conference in Valencia (Spain) Poster presentation: ‘Innovation in pain management: How co-design can guide the development of a complex intervention’ at the Pain Science in Motion conference in Savona (Italy) Guest Lecture: ‘Clinical reasoning and behavior change’ at the FH Joanneum (physiotherapy education) in Graz (Austria). 2018 Poster presentation: ‘Preventing relapse after successful treatment: A feasibility study of two prototype interventions’ at the IASP conference in Boston. 2017 Presentation: ‘Evaluating co-design methodology in the development of an intervention’ at the EFIC conference in Copenhagen. Poster presentation: ‘Effectiveness of self-management interventions’ at the EFIC conference in Copenhagen. Poster presentation: ‘How to prevent relapse after successful pain rehabilitation?’ at the Pain Science in Motion conference in Stockholm. Workshop: ‘Behavior change and physical activity in children with a disability’ with Dr. M. Bloemen at the ‘children and motor development’ symposium at the university of applied sciences Utrecht. Presentation: ‘Solace: Preliminary results’ during the SOLACE symposium at the university of applied sciences in Utrecht.