Marieke van Son

206 APPENDICES CURRICULUM VITAE Marieke van Son was born on the 7 th of November in Rotterdam, where she grew up with her older brother and parents. After graduating from Gymnasium at CSG Calvijn, she took a gap year and went on an exchange program to the United States. She attended High School in Boardman, a small town in the state of Oregon, and lived with a host family. In 2010, she started Medical School at the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU). During the course of Medical School, she had several part-time jobs which all involved her passion for (hands- on) healthcare. She worked nightshifts enucleating eyes from tissue donors for a corneal transplantation clinic (NIIOS, Rotterdam), performed electrocardiograms on call throughout the UMCU, extended her general practitioner’s in- ternship by doing evening consultations, supervised during practical anatomy classes in the dissecting room and worked as a surgery assistant for (non-medical) circumcisions. Between internships, part-time jobs and enjoying life as a student, she developed a specific interest for Urology. She started her first research project at the UMCU Urol- ogy department, supervised by dr. M.T.W.T. Lock and dr. R.P. Meijer. Sparked by the academic side of medicine, she started her PhD research right after graduating from Medical School in 2017. Under supervision of prof. dr. ir. J.J.W. Lagendijk, dr. J.R.N. van der Voort van Zyp and dr. M. Peters, she coordinated several trials involving focal brachytherapy for prostate cancer at the UMCU Radiotherapy department. Her focal therapy research developed further by collaborating with the research group of prof. dr. H.U. Ahmed at Imperial College London, where she enjoyed a research fellowship in 2019. To enhance her academic skills, she finished the post-graduate master Epi- demiology at the University Utrecht in 2020. Marieke currently works as a resident not in training (ANIOS) at the Urology department of the Spaarne Gasthuis, under supervision of dr. M.A. Noordzij. Besides her clinical career, she finds balance in doing CrossFit workouts, buying flowers at the local florist and entertaining friends with home-cooked dinners.