Desley van Zoggel

Chapter 6 106 Table 1. Demographics and tumour characteristics Total (N = 124) Gender Female 36 (29) Male 88 (71) Age at resection (years) Median [IQR] 65 [58-71] Neoadjuvant radiotherapy primary tumour None 31 (25) Radiotherapy 33 (27) Chemoradiotherapy 60 (48) Surgical procedure primary tumour Rectosigmoid resection 16 (13) LAR 63 (51) APR 45 (36) Adjuvant therapy primary tumour None 107 (86) Chemotherapy 15 (12) Radiotherapy 2 (2) Number local recurrence First 108 (87) Second/Third 16 (13) Multifocality Yes 27 (22) No 97 (78) Number of involved compartments 1 25 (20) 2 57 (46) 3 25 (20) 4 17 (14) Neoadjuvant radiotherapy recurrence (chemo)radiotherapy 20 (16) (chemo)reirradiation 104 (84) Surgical procedure recurrence LAR 13 (11) APR 15 (12) Multivisceral resection 72 (58) Nonvisceral resection 24 (19) Intraoperative election beam radiotherapy Yes 103 (83) No 21 (17) Interval between end chemoradiotherapy and surgery (weeks) Median [IQR] 13 [11-15] Interval between last MRI and surgery (weeks) Median [IQR] 7 [5-8] Resection margin R0 80 (65) R1 41 (33) R2 3 (2) Histology* Adenocarcinoma 101 (98) Mucinous carcinoma 2 (2) Values in parentheses are percentages unless otherwise specified. * Not applicable for patients with a complete pathological response. IQR interquartile range; LAR low anterior resection; APR abdominoperineal resection.