Mariken Stegmann

Going to have radiotherapy  Going to have surgery  Going to have chemotherapy  Going to have hormonal therapy  Going to have immune /targeted therapy  Dose  Frequency / duration  Date for start of the therapy  Considerations  Treatment goal (palliative or curative)  Other options for treatment  Motivation for treatment from patient  Motivation for treatment medical  Prognosis  Expected effects   Prognosis with / without treatment  Probability of response to therapy  Expected side effects or adverse effects  Advice concerning side effects or adverse effects  Late effects  Later treatment options  What’s next  Materials still to be removed (for example drains)  Date for next consultation  Who can the patient contact when problems arise  Recommendations for the general practitioner  GP/oncologic specialist was already contacted by phone  Question for someone in CC  Summary  Summary or conclusion of the letter  Which information was or was not shared with the patient  What was the emotional reaction of the patient  80 Chapter 6