Klaske van Sluis

About the author Klaske van Sluis was born July 30th, 1988 in Leeuwarden (Friesland, The Netherlands). After finishing her pre-vocational secondary education, she did a secondary vocational education degree at the ROC Friese Poort in Leeuwar- den, where she trained to be a teaching assistant in primary education. During the several internships for this degree she taught children in groups, set up learning goals and provided individual teaching. She developed an interest in providing one-to-one guidance to children as well as an interest in language development. Consequently, she decided to study speech language pathology. At the Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen she did the bachelor’s degree in speech pathology. During the second and third year of this degree she took courses in linguistics at The University of Groningen. After finishing her degree, she started as a speech language pathologist in a nursery home. Simultaneously, she did a master’s degree at the University of Utrecht. For her master’s thesis, Klaske studied voice quality in early stage laryngeal cancer pa- tients, comparing data before and after cancer treatment. By the time she had finished her master’s degree, she had developed an interest in speech language pathology for patients who suffer from head and neck cancer. Therefore, imme- diately after graduation, she started working as a speech language pathologist at The Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek. In the next year, she started a PhD program at the University of Amsterdam, Amster- dam Center for Language and Communication and The Netherlands Cancer Institute. During her PhD, Klaske was supervised by Prof. dr. Paul Boersma, Prof. dr. Michiel van den Brekel, Dr. Rob van Son, and Dr. Lisette van der Molen. As part of her PhD studies, Klaske set-up a multicenter study in The Netherlands and Australia, for which she visited hospitals in Sydney area. She completed courses in research skills, provided guest lectures at the university, and supervised students. She published and presented the results of her PhD studies in international scientific journals and at conferences. Furthermore, she is an active member of an association for Dutch linguistics, het Werkverband Amsterdamse Psycholinguisten, for which she writes in the news bulletin.