64 Chapter 3 fit the data significantly better than the one-factor model (Δχ² = 359.06, Δdf = 1, p < .001; Sattora-Bentler Scaled Δχ² = 51.37, Δdf = 1, p < .001). Taken together, these results show that proactive vitality management can be empirically distinguished from creative work performance. Hypotheses Testing Proactive personality, creative requirement and weekly level of job autonomy were included in our analyses as control variables. However, when we analyzed our data again and tested our hypotheses without including the control variables, the results support our hypotheses in the same way. That is, including the control variables did not change the significance of any of the main or interaction effects in our multilevel regression models. As participants’ scores on creativity could not be attributed to having a proactive personality, job autonomy, or a creative requirement in one’s work, we decided to present the results from the more parsimonious models without the control variables. The results of the multilevel analyses showed that weekly proactive vitality management related positively to weekly creative work performance (γ = .30, SE = .036, p < .001), providing support for hypothesis 1 (see Table 2). According to hypothesis 2, the relationship between proactive vitality management and creative work performance will be stronger for individuals with higher levels of self-insight. While controlling for their main effects, the interaction term of weekly proactive vitality management and self-insight was positively related to weekly creative work performance (γ = .12, SE = .056, p < .05), providing initial support for hypothesis 2. We conducted simple slopes tests to further examine the interaction effect. These tests showed that the relationship between proactive vitality management and creative work performance was stronger when self-insight was 1 SD higher than the mean (estimate = .35, SE = .038, p < .001) than when self-insight was 1 SD lower than the mean (estimate = .21, SE = .050, p < .001; see Figure 1), providing further support for hypothesis 2.