
ABOUT THE AUTHOR 228 Sophie van Uijen was born on 14 January 1986 in Eindhoven. She spent the first 18 years of her life in Waalre and then moved to Utrecht to study Clinical psychology. After an Erasmus exchange to Manchester, U.K., she obtained her Bachelor’s degree and started Utrecht University’s research Master’s program Social and Health Psychology in 2008. She graduated cum laude in 2010 and was awarded the Best student prize. She started the Master’s program Clinical and health psychology in 2009 and did an internship at the Altrecht specialized outpatient clinic in Utrecht. She graduated cum laude in 2011. During and after her studies, she was a research assistant at Utrecht University by day, ninja by night, and worked as a teacher at VU University, Amsterdam. After she was awarded a Research Talent grant by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), she started her PhD project on the role of safety behaviors in the persistence of irrational fears in 2012, supervised by Prof. dr. Iris Engelhard and Prof. dr. Marcel van den Hout. In addition to her research, she worked as a teacher, was an active member of the PhD council of the Faculty of Social Sciences, and was chair of the PhD Network Utrecht (Prout). Additionally, she worked as a psychologist at Altrecht Academic Anxiety center, Utrecht, and at the youth and adolescent clinic and eHealth clinic of GGZ inGeest, Amsterdam. After finishing her PhD, she started her training to become a licenced mental health care psychologist (GZ-psycholoog) at GGZ inGeest. There she will also continue her scientific career as a postdoctoral researcher.